Friday, October 28, 2011

Pamela & Darren - Calgary Family Photography

Nat and I have been SO BUSY these past couple of weeks, and unfortunately that means that our already horribly neglected little blog has been receiving even less attention from us than usual.

Bad photographers.  BAD!

...and now, after being sufficiently self-reprimanded, we present Pamela and Darren (and their munchkin cohorts Victoria and Isabella) from their family photo shoot down at the beautiful Sandy Beach.

 Those of you that really know us are very well aware that Nat and I have an extensive shoe collection.  What's better than a pair of sweet lookin' shoes?  A pair of sweet lookin' kidlet shoes!  Isabella, being a tremendously experience shoe model by the looks of it, was more than happy to pose her awesome Skechers kicks for us...

Friday, October 7, 2011

Brendan & Erica - Calgary Wedding Photography

We only spent a few hours with Brendan and Erica, but the time spent with them was beautiful!  They got married at Grace Presbyterian which has to be the most gorgeous church we've shot in Calgary.  Not to mention their GIANT pipe organ which was played wonderfully for the ceremony (did you know that one can get a Masters of Organ Playing? Huh...)
Take a look!

Nothing but the utmost seriousness when Nat and I are shooting, please and thank you...

...and what's this? public?!?!  Oh my.... ;)

This has to be the best prepared head table we've ever seen... :)

Monday, September 19, 2011

JJ & Nick - Banff Wedding Photography

A couple of weeks ago Nat and I had the IMMENSE pleasure of shooting the wedding of two of the coolest people we've ever met.  Hailing from Golden, BC, JJ and Nick decided to get married in beautiful Banff at the Buffalo Mountain Lodge.  These two are very...unique...individuals.  Their whole day was very quirky, fairly untraditional, suitably relaxed, and above all else tons of fun...and that's precisely what made the whole day perfect!

A spot of impromptu yoga for the mother of the bride... :)

Remember kids...hairpieces are not toys.  Except at weddings.  There, anything goes apparently...

Easily the most expressive bride we've shot.  Seriously though...this lady's happy vibes are so infectious!  And so, we present..."The Many Faces Of Jessica Joy".

...for want of a hammer................

Their version of the "Good Book".  Me likey.

"You see, Nick...weddings are serious business.  The good reverend Samuel Clemens tells us so."

...and the srs bzns speech quickly followed by a slice of fly-by fatherly love...